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Consumer Spending | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Consumer spending, or personal consumption expenditures (PCE), is the value of the goods and services purchased by, or on the behalf of, U.S ...
Seasonal adjustment | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Statistical adjustment of a time series that removes the average effect of variations that normally occur at about the same time and in about the same ...
[PDF] 02-05-07drf - Bureau of Economic Analysis
Seasonal adjustment Seasonal adjustment of a time series removes the average effect of variations that normally occur at about the same time and in ...
[PDF] Seasonal Adjustment Post-Pandemic
Seasonal Adjustment Post-Pandemic Kathleen M. McDonald-Johnson Demetra Lytras U.S. Census Bureau FESAC Meeting, December 9, 2022 Disclaimer: Any views ...
[PDF] Seasonal Adjustment in the National Income and Product Accounts
In response to these findings, BEA committed to the following: Maintain its policy of applying indirect seasonal adjustment where seasonally adjusted ...
The quarterly data for domestic and imported cars and light trucks are seasonally adjusted by BEA, using seasonal factors from the Federal Reserve ...
SCB Article: Results of Seasonal Adjustment Project
The seasonal adjustment project and its results are described in an article, “Seasonal Adjustment in the National Income and Product Accounts: Results ...
Seasonal Adjustment in the National Income and Product Accounts
In general, these improvements introduced additional seasonal adjustment to the underlying source data used for estimating components of personal ...
[PDF] A Multivariate Approach to Seasonal Adjustment - Bureau of Economic ...
2 Seasonal e¤ects or seasonal components are often referred to as seasonal adjustment factors . We use the term factors in reference to the common ...
Why and how are seasonal adjustments made? - Bureau of Economic Analysis
Seasonal adjustments remove recurring seasonal variations (variations that occur in the same month or quarter each year) from economic series so that ...
[PDF] Time series seasonal adjustment using regularized singular value ...
easonal adjustment, the model-based approach and the empirical-based approach. The model-based approach directly incorporates seasonality in the ...
A Multivariate Approach to Seasonal Adjustment - Bureau of Economic ...
This paper suggests a new semi-parametric multivariate approach to seasonal adjustment. The primary innovation is to use a large dimensional factor ...
[PDF] Challenges with Seasonal Adjustment
Fixed e ects in yn (e.g., linear trend) correspond to deterministic (predictable) seasonality Stochastic portion of yn with high autocorrelation ...
How do the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the U.S. Census ...
The seasonal adjustment procedure (X-13ARIMA-SEATS) is based on a model that estimates the period-to-period movements as percentages above or below ...
[PDF] Discussion: Seasonal Adjustments
This can move by 10 days and change retail seasonality. Even worse, the seasonality around Thanksgiving may evolve. Variable selection guided by ...
How does BEA account for seasonality in GDP? - Bureau of Economic Analysis
Seasonal adjustment ensures that the remaining movements in GDP, or any other economic series, better reflect true patterns in economic activity ...
[PDF] Title Slide for BEA Presentations
Seasonal Adjustment of GDP: Annual Updating Process BEA aims for consistency with approaches used by Census and BLS For individual series, often ...
A Snapshot of the Seasonal Adjustment Process for GDP
Here’s a snapshot of how BEA’s indirect process works: Detailed components of GDP are estimated from seasonally adjusted source data. Whenever ...
BEA Data - Bureau of Economic Analysis
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Frequently Asked Questions - Bureau of Economic Analysis
Which Census Bureau population estimates does BEA use in the calculation of state and county per capita personal income statistics?