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[PDF] Motor Vehicles, Model Year 1997
Data Availability beaprepares seasonally adjusted estimates of auto and truck unit sales, of auto unit production and in- ventory change, and of ...
[PDF] Motor Vehicles, Model Year 1994
In model year 1994, motor vehicle sales, employment, and production increased for the third consecutive year, and inventories re- mained lean.1The ...
1. Sales of motor vehicles are sales of new cars and trucks. The data on unit sales, inventories, and production in this article are mainly from ...
BEA Data - Bureau of Economic Analysis
To find a statistic, or to explore BEA's data, start with one of the groupings below.
[TXT] U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
U50706BU,"Table 5.7.6BU. Change in Real Private Inventories by Industry" U51100,"Table 5.11U. Capital Transfers Paid and Received, by Sector and by ...
[XLSX] Bureau of Economic Analysis
Business share of new auto purchases (percent) Business share of new light truck purchases (percent) Other trucks, buses, and truck trailers Retail sa ...
BEA Interactive Data Application
Implicit Price Deflators for Manufacturing and Trade Sales [Index base 2017, 1997 forward, NAICS] (A) (Q) (M) Table 3AU. Real Inventory-Sales Ratios ...
BEA Data - Bureau of Economic Analysis
International Trade & Investment International Transactions (Balance of Payments) Trade in Goods and Services International Services (Expanded Detail) ...
[PDF] 1995 survey of current business 35
In addition, bea produces specialized measures such as estimates of auto and truck output, gdp of corporate business, housing output, and business ...
Industries | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Industries GDP by Industry Measures industries' performance and their contributions to GDP Gross Output by Industry A measure of an industry's sales ...
[PDF] A Preview of the 1999 Comprehensive Revision of the National ... - BEA
The margin is allocated to new autos by multiplying the franchised car dealers’ margin rate by their sales of new cars, multiplying the sales of other ...
All | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts A comprehensive picture of the U.S. economy with production, income, financial flows, and more Economic Accounts by ...
[PDF] Survey of Current Business April 1978 - BEA
These preliminary (15-day) estimates are based on the following major data sources: For personal consumption ex-penditures (PCE), retail sales, and ...
Papers | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
We determine empirically how the Big Three automakers accommodate shocks to demand. They have the capability to change prices, alter labor inputs ...
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
The Bureau of Economic Analysis is streamlining our news release packages to reduce duplication and make it easier to find the information you need ...
Consumer Spending | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Consumer spending, or personal consumption expenditures (PCE), is the value of the goods and services purchased by, or on the behalf of, U.S ...
How is the federal Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009 ...
The federal CARS program (popularly called "cash for clunkers"), which began in July 2009 and ended on August 24, 2009, provides a credit of $3,500 or ...
The New Way to Find Industry Data Fast - Bureau of Economic Analysis
Interested in industries? Our newest data tool shows you BEA’s statistics about an industry, pulled together in one place. Industry Facts starts with ...
Input-Output Accounts - Bureau of Economic Analysis
Input-Output Accounts These data offer a comprehensive picture of the inner workings of the U.S. economy, showing production relationships among ...
Investment in Fixed Assets - Bureau of Economic Analysis
Buildings, trucks, computers, software, even the creation of a song, are examples of fixed assets used to produce goods and services. Assets are ...